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News Details

Home / Our mission: to serve our customers, achieve employees and give back to the society
Our mission: to serve our customers, achieve employees and give back to the society

The end of the year is approaching, Zhiyong Qian, the general manager of Huawei Textile, led all senior management personnel to Ningbo Jianfeng Enterprise Management School from December 4th-December 6th.

This training is mainly to review the problems and achievements of Huawei Textile in 2022, through the in-depth analysis of the macro, the industry, customers, competitors, and themselves, so as to strength the company's strategic development direction and goals in 2023 and the future.

Through three days and nights of study, discussion and analysis, all managers have a deeper understanding of the current situation of the enterprise. They formulated specific action goals and plans for the future. To achieve the concept of "Being a leader in the knitting industry and provide high-quality fabrics for the better life", we will continue to make efforts!



/ISO9001 quality management system

GRS global recycling standard

OEKO-TEX100 environmental protection certification

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